Shadows & Gummies…

For whatever reason, my family LOVES gummies. It doesn’t matter what shape they come in, bear, fruit, worm, fish, they’ll devour them in no time! And this is all well and good (well, in the right quantities) but the mom in me looks at those little shapes and I know that there is something better….

A Man and His Bottle???

What is wrong with this picture?? Maybe this is normal for some people (I hope there are fewer of you than I am thinking) but where I come from this is strange on so many levels. Usually my brother-in-law is chugging on an energy drink, but he was a good sport and posed for this…


Wow, the year is already on the downhill slope to summer! Another wonderful winter is under our belts and excitement is in the air as spring desperately tries to conquer the cold. What a wonderful time of year! Spring is the renewal and revival of all things gone to sleep for the winter. It’s refreshing…